1. Describe two ways to combine one image with another.
A: One way is to Choose Select> All to select the entire image, then you Choose Edit > Copy to copy the selected image area and finally, Choose Edit> Paste.
 Another way is to click the Move Tool, then select the picture. You click and drag the picture to the image name you want to put it with, then you release and it appears on the image.
2. What is created in the destination image when you cut and paste or drag and drop another image file into it?
A: When you drag and drop then you make the image appear  in the destination image.
3. What are the best formats (for print) in which to save a file that contains text or other vector objects?
A: The best formats to for print in which to save a file is to change the color settings 
1 How  can you make two images appear side-by-side in your workspace?
A: For the image to appear side by side i need to choose 2 up from the arrange documents button in the application at the top of the photo shop.
2 How do you create a gradient on the layer mask?
A: when you release the Gradient tool, you can see that you have created the gradient on the mask.
3 What feature makes it easier to make difficult selections like fur and hair?
A: To make the selections easier you press the refine edge button.
4 what tool do you use to add a text layer to this documents?
A: To add a text you press the text icon to the left.
5 What did the puppet warp feature allow you to create?
A: The puppet warp allowed me to make flat water look like if it had waves. (curvy)
1 What is the full screen mode?
A: The full screen mode displays a document window on a black background and hides all interfaces elements from view.

2 Name two ways to fit your image to the screen.
A:You can fit your image to the screen by using the view menu, or by double clicking the Hand tool, right clicking while you have the Zoom or Hand tool selected , or by pressing Ctrl+0 or command+0.

3 What happens in the Essentials workspace when you exit one panel and select another?
A: When you leave one panel to select another, initial panel returns to its original location in the docking area.

4 How do you save a workspace?
A: You can save your own workspace by clicking on the double arrows in the Application bar and choosing New Workspace.

5 Can you delete a workspace?
A: Yes, you can delete a workspace by clicking on the double arrows in the application bar and choosing Delete workspace. Note that you cannot delete any of the default workspace.
1 The subject of the photo must be in Razor Sharp Focus.
2 A Fast Shutter Speed must speed the action.
3 Narrow Depth of Field.
4 There should be No distracting Clutter in the Background.
5 Good exposure and lighting.
6 Peek action and drama.
7 Ball is in the frame.
8 Include the face in the picture.
9 There must be Good Composition.
10 Fill the frame and Close-Up.